
Kids Lane

If you're a teacher, camp coordinator, or child care provider, you can help us create responsible adults by teaching today's youth about the importance of proper trash disposal.

The worksheets, activities, and presentation materials found below are tailored to align with the Civics/Government Strand of the Social Studies Standard for Arizona's fourth graders.

Let's get smart about the litter problem. Don't Trash Arizona and be a part of the solution.

Litter Craft Ideas

Teach little ones early on creative ways for recycling or repurposing trash will help them develop lifelong habits as stewards of our environment. Show them creative ways to avoid littering through these fun, easy, and educational crafts.

Recycled Bouquet


Turn something ugly into something beautiful with this easy DIY bouquet.


  • A cardboard tube from a toilet paper or paper towel roll
  • 10 pipe cleaners, green if you want to be traditional
  • An egg carton
  • 3 plastic bottle caps
  • A piece of paper
  • Pencil
  • Scissors
  • Tape and/or glue
  • At least 2 colors of paint


Start by tracing the paper roll onto the piece of paper and cutting out the circle. Tape the circle to one end of the tube to create a closed bottom. Then paint the tube whatever color you wish. Next, cut out three individual egg holders from the carton to create the flowers. Pain them whatever color you choose. Poke a hole in the bottom of each egg holder and feed the pipe cleaner through it to attach the egg carton 'flowers' to the pipe cleaner 'stems.' Next, tape or glue a bottle cap painted yellow into the center of the egg carton to make the center of the flower. Finish by bending 1-2 pipe cleaners in half or thirds and attaching them to the 'stem' to create leaves. Place your finished flowers in the paper tube vase.

Tin Can Windsocks


Create a beautiful outdoor decoration in a few steps.


  • A tin can - clean out a soup can, remove the label and the lids from both ends
  • 2-5 kinds of ribbon or an old t-shirt or towel, cut into strips
  • Paint and paint brushes
  • Tape or glue


Paint the can whatever colors and deisgns you choose. When dry, tape or glue a long piece of ribbon to the inside of one side of the can. Repeat with another piece of ribbon directly across from the first piece. Tie the ribbons together at the top to create a secure loop. Next, tape or glue alternating ribbon strings or strips of the t-shirt around the other end of the can until you complete the circle. Hand the windsock from a tree and enjoy the colors as they fly in the breeze.

Bottle Birdfeeder


Bring beautiful birds to your yard with this recycled feeder.


  • An empty plastic bottle. A 1-liter soda bottle or large water bottle works great
  • Bird seed
  • A stick, roughly one foot long
  • String
  • Scissors
  • Paint, stickers or ribbon (optional)


Remove the cap from the bottle and carefully cut a hole into one side, about 4-6 inches wide. A few inches bloe the large hole, cut a small hole on either side of the bottle. Feed the stick through the two small holes to create a perch. Fill the bottom of the bottle with bird seed, enough to cover the stick. Finally, tie the string around the top neck of the bottle, creating a loop to hang the feeder from. Secure the cap and hang the bottle from a tree.