
Litter Facts

It’s just a fast food wrapper, a cigarette butt, an apple core. No big deal, right? Wrong. Litter affects everyone in Arizona. It not only costs Maricopa County taxpayers $5 million every year to clean up roadways, litter is harmful to the environment and to our health.

  • In 2023, more than 93,000 bags of litter were picked up from Valley freeways, totaling over 1.2 million pounds of litter.
  • Debris on freeways causes 51,000 accidents in the U.S. every year, injuring nearly 10,000.
  • 45% of litter is accidental and comes from debris falling from trucks or from other unsecured loads.
  • Road Debris accounted for 1,075 accidents and seven deaths in 2020 (information courtesy AZDPS).


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How Long Does it Take Litter to Decompose?

  • Styrofoam container: More than 1 million years
  • Plastic jug: 1 million years
  • Aluminum can: 200 to 500 years
  • Plastic bag: 500 to 1,000 years
  • Disposable diaper: 500 years
  • Banana peel: 3 weeks to 5 years

Types of Litter


According to the 2024 Litter Evaluation Survey, those who admit to littering were most likely to do so while driving or riding in a vehicle.

Here’s what they throw out:

Litter Costs


  • A littering fine is $500.
  • Unsecured loads can result in fines ranging from $500 to $1,000.
  • Litter costs Maricopa County taxpayers $5 million a year for the 150,000 hours of labor needed to clean up the Valley's roadways.
  • Litter costs the state economy in lost productivity, congestion and traffic delays when commuters sit in traffic because of litter in the roadway.
  • In Maricopa County, there are an average of 2 deaths per year due to road debris.
  • Nationally, about 125 people die every year from dangerous debris.

Top 10 Dangerous Types of Highway Debris

Tire Alligators

1. Tire Alligators